Dr. Haley Viehman
Post-doctoral Fellow
Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research
23 Westwood Avenue,
Acadia University, Box 115
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R6 CANADA
E-mail: haley.viehman@acadiau.ca
B.S. Cornell University, Civil Engineering
M.S. University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences, Engineering and the Natural Sciences
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences, Engineering and the Natural Sciences
I work with the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE, fundyforce.ca) to evaluate the potential effects of tidal energy turbines on fish. My research uses FORCE’s remote underwater sensor platforms to gather biological and physical data at the FORCE tidal energy demonstration site with various active acoustics instruments. The platform is deployed for one-month intervals, several times per year, and the instruments on it provide high-resolution spatial and temporal information on the relative density and vertical distribution of fish above the platform, as well as relevant physical data such as current speed and direction, water temperature, and turbidity. By combining the biological and physical information gathered, I seek to build our understanding of how fish use the FORCE site and improve our predictions of potential interactions of fish with tidal energy turbines.