Welcome to the Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research
The Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research (ACER) was established in 1985 following 70 years of interest and study on the potential and implications of tidal power development in the Bay of Fundy. Initial funds were provided by the Secretary of State under the Centres of Specialization Fund, with additional facility and funding support provided by Acadia University.
The original primary objective of the Centre was to focus research attention on estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Although the Centre has been involved in research projects in numerous areas of the world and all types of aquatic ecosystems, its main research emphasis was originally on the estuarine systems of the Bay of Fundy and the hydrographically related Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. However, shortly after its establishment it became involved in watershed management issues that necessitated emphasis on upland freshwater systems. This has led to its present expanded mandate which now also includes studies on freshwater wetlands, lakes, rivers and streams.
ACER’s 4000 square foot centre is located at 23 Westwood Avenue, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in the west wing of Acadia’s War Memorial House. Facilities include a large laboratory; a library containing journals, books, and other reference materials; a seminar/conference room; and research personnel offices. In addition to standard laboratory equipment for analysis of water quality parameters, the Centre owns a large variety of field equipment, including a number and variety of watercraft and motors and an air-cushioned vehicle (hovercraft) capable of traveling over mudflats. It has a large inventory of standard oceanographic and limnological sampling equipment, numerous types of field instruments for measuring water quality including several data loggers designed for continuous monitoring of a variety of water quality parameters.
The Centre actively encourages cooperative, multidisciplinary research programs that involve scientists and students from different disciplines and different institutions--regional, national, and international. Projects carried out by the Centre may involve any individuals from other academic units, working in collaboration, and often utilize the talents of research scientists at other institutions, both university and government.
ACER is the only Estuarine Research Centre in Canada!